​Ut honoremur ab aliis, ipsi nos honoremus – Szanujmy się, a będziemy szanowani!

Institute Polonicus

European Institute of Cultural and Media Polonicus was established in 2011 and registered in Belgium, placed in Aachen. Institute Polonicus statute based on Christian and humanistic values of European culture. The main objective of the association is to organize and award annual prizes- “Polonicus” and organizing events. The purpose is to promote European integration and the promotion of Polish culture through projects and events like for example, workshops, symposia, concerts, trips, cultural events. The Institute provide cooperation between Polish citizen of the EU regions.


It occurs in the Hall of Coronation at the town hall of Aachen. The creator is Wiesław Lewicki, the Chairman of the Jury Prize. A longtime activist of the Polish community in Germany and the President of the European Institute of Cultural and Media Polonicus VoG.

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